The positives of staying put


4 min read

Government aid is also a luxury that you shouldn’t rely on.As we mentioned above, it can take the government weeks to provide aid to victims.In a full scale disaster, you need to be aware that the government may not be coming or providing any aid.When aid does show up, it may be rationed without enough food and water to supply your family.You need to learn how to provide food, shelter, and protection to you and your family.Some of these items are inexpensive, while others can carry quite the price tag.These lists and recommendations can be bought over a period of time.Our advice is to start slow and build up your supplies over time.Try to make it a habit to purchase a few items each week.After a while, your prepper supply kit will grow.But don’t feel overwhelmed if you’re just starting or you’re new to prepping.There are plenty of ways to grow your supply cache even if you are on a tight budget.Many preppers make the mistake of purchasing new tools and testing them out for a few minutes and then storing them away.Take the time to test out and really get to know how to use these tools.When a disaster does occur you don’t want to be learning as you go.Final Word Before We BeginPrepping needs to be practiced just like any other skill you can learn.Educating yourself, learning different tactics, and practicing these tactics will improve your prepping skills.Don’t just stockpile food and supplies and think that you’re prepared.Take these principles that we’re going to teach you and dig deeper.Prepping can be a great hobby and you may find yourself among the ten percent of heroes that are ready to lead should a disaster occur.The Principals of Prepping In An Urban EnvironmentBefore we begin to go into detail about securing your home we first want to make sure you understand the different principals of prepping.There are many different theories and different mindsets when it comes to prepping.Please feel free to take this guidance and personalize it to your situation.You can take our lists, techniques, and tips and keep the ones that apply to you and research other techniques.We also urge you to test out these techniques and see if they are right for you.Keep the tips that work for you and test out new tips.Prepping is a skill and you should always be searching for new and better techniques.Living in an urban environment isn’t ideal if you are trying to survive a disaster but there are ways you can dramatically improve your odds of survival.Urban survival is tricky due to numerous factors and it may take more work and preparation to make sure you are ready for a disaster.With that being said many preppers won’t have the luxury of living in a rural environment or in a home.The city has numerous work and social advantages that they don’t want to give up or they simply cannot move.This section of the magazine will deal with ways you can prepare for a disaster and increase your survival if you live in an urban environment.Stay or EvacuateOften times it’s better to evacuate your area and seek help and shelter instead of trying to stick out a disaster.Other times, disasters strike very quickly and you don’t have the option to evacuate.However, you should start brainstorming and writing down places that you can evacuate to.Do you have family or friends in another town or state?Where is the nearest large city?Is there a rural area you can evacuate to?You want to have multiple evacuation routes and locations when creating your evacuation plan.We are going to teach you how to properly secure and protect your home but some disaster situations will require you to evacuate.How many times have you seen an individual trying to ride out a hurricane only to be stranded on their roof?So you need to use all your information available when making the decision to stay or go and you should try to make the decision as quickly as possible.What is the current disaster?Do I need to evacuate now or can I wait and analyze more information?Is my home prepared for this disaster?If I don’t evacuate now, do I have a chance to evacuate if the situation deteriorates?Do I have an evacuation route that is safe and a safe house to evacuate to?Will I encounter traffic or other threats if I evacuate?Is the disaster going to get worse or better?How safe will my evacuation location be?What is the worst case scenario for this disaster?Pros of Staying Put and Hunkering Down In an Urban Environment